Emergency Response RTLS

AVANTE Personnel and Assets Visibility System using short range read distance ZONER™ personnel badges and a network of RELAYER™ monitors placed in access points provides nodal visibility. Another separate layer of grid network of RELAYER™ monitors installed every 100 meters or closer is used to provide real-time locating capability in case of emergency. The zonal RELAYER™ monitors can change the ZONER™ personnel badges to transmit at high power signal strength on demand. With patent pending dynamic zoning technology, the ZONER™-RELAYER™ system can provide real-time personnel visibility within one meter. This locating capability is invaluable in assisting emergency first responders safely evacuate a building or complex.building-evacuation-with-illustration-200

For more information on other applications:

AVANTE ZONER-RELAYER system maintains privacy during normal operations and provides real-time locating capability on demand

A solution to improve personnel visibility requires critical data for the best deployment of an emergency assistance program. Following are some important considerations for a comprehensive solution for an effective real-time personnel tracking and visibility system in, outside or around buildings or other infrastructures.

  • The number and identities of personnel in the facility is the starting point of any evacuation and emergency assistance management. In addition to this, all visitors need to be registered.
  • An infrastructure of interior and exterior tracking stations at logistically important entrances/exits is critical to provide the ability to deduce where everyone is located within a large facility. In the case of a mine, tracking stations should be positioned in defined spacing of every 30-60 meters.
  • An identification badge for personnel that requires no special effort on their part in providing data to the emergency management system is a requirement for a successful real-time personnel visibility system. A nodal based personnel visibility system will be used under normal operation to preserve the privacy of individuals.
  • In case of emergency, the system must be capable of turning into a real-time locating system for the emergency management.
  • The gathering of real-time locating visibility data should require no more effort than personnel wearing their identification badges. The integrity of the real-time visibility data should be self-consistent with multiple data gathering points and reduction methods.
  • Identification badges and personnel data should include all temporary and visiting personnel, visitors, vendors, security staff, facility management staff and emergency assistance staff.
  • Whenever possible, a redundant infrastructure for gathering data in real-time should be in place. In the case of dangerous facilities such as mines, separate sets of tracking stations will be installed to provide redundancy and a more precise location of each miner.
  • A gathering point, with data processing capabilities for evacuated personnel, provides additional acknowledgement and represents a centralized point for emergency care.


