3 Main Components…
Panic Button

Monitoring Software

BLE Beacons

Panic Button Standard Configuration
Avante’s Hotel Panic Button has two existing configurations. One of which is our standard configuration. This includes the three main components which are the Panic Button Device / Monitoring Software / BLE Beacons. This is our most popular configuration! We currently support various hotels across multiple states with our Hotel Panic Button System. Our solution is adaptable to our client’s needs and can be deployed in a timely manner. The Panic Button Standard Configuration is our most affordable and easy-to-use solution.

Hotel Panic Button
- The unobtrusive design keeps help within arms reach without getting in the way of day to day work
- Designed to be compatible with your existing WiFi network
- Rechargeable battery that lasts up to 48 hours with a single charge
- Location is only reported when panic button is pressed to ensure the privacy of maids, housekeepers, lone workers, etc.
Monitoring Software
- The exact location of incidents are transmitted instantly
- Hotel client application can display location on a floor plan or integrate with existing security or surveillance software
- Fully audit-able activity logs ensure incidents are responded to and documented properly
- Companion Mobile App.

BLE Beacon Sensors
- Passive devices function without maintenance for over five years
- Installed by experts to ensure 100% coverage within your facility
- Inconspicuous, simple design minimizes the chance of tampering by guests
Hotel Panic Button System
The key to hotel worker safety is to provide positive response and action whenever a request for help is made.

1. Push
Once a request for help is activated through the panic button by a lone worker, the panic button provides for accurate location of the worker in need of help

2. Locate
The badge scans its vicinity for nearby panic alarm sensors and transmits data in real-time to the server

3. Alert
Alerts are sent to hotel security or management via push notification, email or text message. The server shows the building’s floor plan and identifies exactly where the button was pressed. Until the alert is dismissed, the system will track the distressed hotel worker and display a “breadcrumb trail.”

4. Respond
Hotel staff or emergency services are dispatched to respond to the emergency and provided with ongoing updates as to the location and movement of the distressed worker.