Wireless and Passive IP-Balise
The European Train Control System (ETCS) is the signaling and control component of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS). Eurobalise or active Balise is powered with external power supply and wired for communication. They are located on top of the track surface and are essential components for the system to locate and control train operations.
Similar Eurobalise systems are also used in government-mandated train operations in the United States for its Positive Train Control (PTC) system.

Rail switch position is interlocked with signaling as to the alignment of the turnout in conformance to the oncoming train scheduled rail track. However, there is an absence of independent affirmation of the switch point alignment to the oncoming train if there is an error.
Average Industry Costs
Each of the wired and powered Eurobalise systems cost about $7,000-$8,000 (in 2019) to install without including the Balise reader and their installation costs. The estimated costs may be as high as $1.5 million per mile or $0.9 million per kilometer.
Besides the costs, installation of the powered active Balise requires the provision of power and communication wiring at each of the Eurobalise location devices and thus take months or even years to install for tracks of substantial length.
Besides the costs and time, the operation of trains must be stopped during the installation of the powered and wired Balise on the rail track, thus impacting the profits and efficiency of the system if retrofitted to the existing rail operation.
AVANTE Wireless and Passive IP-Balise
AVANTE has developed a wireless and passive IP-Balise system that is cost-effective for new or existing rail networks. The fact that the location device (IP-Balise) is passive and wireless means it can be installed anywhere anytime.
Some of the advantages of these patented wireless and passive AVANTE’s IP-Balise systems in comparison to the traditional Eurobalise or actively powered and communication wired IP-Balise are outlined below:

The above pictures depict the similarities and differences of the AVANTE’s Wireless and Passive IP-Balise System in comparison to the traditional wired-powered Eurobalise system. Reader is mounted beneath the locomotive approximately 36-48 inches above ground with computer control unit located at the hub to provide communication and power to the reader. Eurobalise is powered and wired above ground while AVANTE wireless and passive IP-Balise is embedded below ground for protection against vandalism and tampering.
- Wireless and passive AVANTE’s IP-Balise systems can perform the same location-based communication as traditional active Balise or Eurobalise. Eurobalise being wired for communication, some of them can be optionally programmed to provide ad hoc or special commands to the passive train with Balise reader.
- While AVANTE’s wireless and passive IP-Balise system perform the same instruction beyond the location embedded information such speed limit, etc., additional ad hoc instruction can be communicated through the onboard PTC unit based on the IP address of the location devices that the train just passed.
- Placing the passive wireless AVANTE’s IP-Balise tag takes minutes in the case of rock bed ballast. Even for concrete bedding, drilling and sealing the small passive wireless Balise may be a separate operation with each taking only minutes to achieve. That is, the installation will not hamper daily and normal rail operations.
- The IP-Balise tag and installation costs may be as low as 10-20% of the costs for the active and powered Balise.
- Unlike the externally powered and wired Eurobalise or active Balise, AVANTE’s wireless and passive IP-Balise tag, without need for an external power source, is maintenance-free.
- Completely sealed from water for long term immersion in water and functional under an inch or more of water and under several feet of snow. Even flooding will not affect the continued functioning of the AVANTE’s wireless and passive IP-Balise tag.
- Being embedded below the soil and/or concrete level, AVANTE’s wireless and passive IP-Balise tag is less susceptible and nearly immune to vandalism and tampering.
- Being passive, without needing external power source, and wireless, AVANTE’s IP-Balise tags can be placed anywhere anytime for emergency and ad hoc location-based command and/or instruction for the passing train.
Configurable as Full-Function PTC System
While the European Train Control System (ETCS) and US Positive Train Control (PTC) System are in the process of implementation for the Class 1 rail network, Class 2 rail networks may be able to benefit from the much lower cost and faster implementation of the AVANTE Wireless and Passive IP-Balise system.
The wireless and passive IP-Balise are particularly useful as supplements to those PTC systems that use GPS for locational information and command in tunnels, GPS-lacking locations, and positive affirmation of siding locations.
Being wireless and passive, AVANTE’s IP-Balise system is particularly useful for those countries that lack adequate GPS or satellite-based location coverage, and where power and communication may be incomplete or lacking.
The following are some of the benefits of the AVANTE Passive and Wireless IP-Balise system when deployed as a full-function Positive Train Control system.
- TheAVANTE PTC system can be installed, implemented and operational in 3-6 months rather than 2 or more years
- The AVANTE PTC system can be installed, implemented and operational at <20% of the cost of a typical “Eurobalise” solution.
- The AVANTE PTC system may be integrated as a supplementary or independent total solution.